Farmina N&D Ancestral Grain Dry Dog Food, Grain-Free, 12 kg, Chicken and Pomegranate

Farmina N&D Ancestral Grain Dry Dog Food is a combination of all essential natural ingredients to provide a healthy and complete meal for your dog, it is free of grains and artificial preservatives. It is the best quality nutritious food that keeps them happy and healthy. This meal is formulated to meet the different requirements of medium and large breed dogs while also encouraging growth at all stages of their lives.

  • Adult Medium & Maxi
  • Puppy Medium and Maxi


Farmina N&D Ancestral Grain Dry Dog Food, Grain-Free, 12 kg, Chicken and Pomegranate

Farmina N&D Ancestral Grain Dry Dog Food is a combination of all essential natural ingredients to provide a healthy and complete meal for your dog, it is free of grains and artificial preservatives. It is the best quality nutritious food that keeps them happy and healthy. This meal is formulated to meet the different requirements of medium and large breed dogs while also encouraging growth at all stages of their lives.


  • Adult Medium & Maxi
  • Puppy Medium and Maxi

High quality Italian Chicken, source of protein, extensively raised in cage free Italian farms.

Ancestral Cereals

Spelt and Oats are a good source of fiber which improves digestion and absorption. High fiber intake has also been linked with improved digestion, a reduced risk of over weight related issues and heart disease. It also helps in slow glucose release in the body.

Fruits and Vegetables

N&D Ocean products are well integrated with fruits and vegetables, such as Orange which is an excellent source of Vitamin C and minerals.

Botanical Essences

Medicinal plants with specific and focused properties which play a toning and strengthening role on the organs, tissues and immune system.


High quality Italian Chicken, source of protein, extensively raised in cage free Italian farms.

Ancestral Cereals

Spelt and Oats are a good source of fiber which improves digestion and absorption. High fiber intake has also been linked with improved digestion, a reduced risk of over weight related issues and heart disease. It also helps in slow glucose release in the body.

Fruits and Vegetables

N&D Ocean products are well integrated with fruits and vegetables, such as Orange which is an excellent source of Vitamin C and minerals.

Botanical Essences

Medicinal plants with specific and focused properties which play a toning and strengthening role on the organs, tissues and immune system.

High Animal Protein Content

As a primary source of energy in dogs and cats is derived from Protein, N&D products are formulated with a very high content of protein from animal origin, which also improves the digestibility of the food.

Made Without Grains

Presence of Ancestral Grains in the diet gives a feeling of satiety and ensures a gradual energy release throughout the day.

No Artificial Preservatives

The whole Farmina Natural & Delicious range is preserved exclusively with natural antioxidants (tocopherol rich extracts) which preserve the quality of our food in total natural respect, as long-term usage of artificial preservatives such as BHA and BHT could have negative effects.

Quality of Meat

Meat comes from certified farms and carefully selected for their high-quality standards, all GMO-Free and suitable for human consumption.

High Animal Protein Content​

Lamb is rich in essential fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid with better ratio between lean mass and fat. The meat of lamb is a red meat protein source, and is produced in extensive farms.

Made Without Grains

Presence of Ancestral Grains in the diet gives a feeling of satiety and ensures a gradual energy release throughout the day.

No Artificial Preservatives

The whole Farmina Natural & Delicious range is preserved exclusively with natural antioxidants (tocopherol rich extracts) which preserve the quality of our food in total natural respect, as long-term usage of artificial preservatives such as BHA and BHT could have negative effects.

Quality of Meat

Meat comes from certified farms and carefully selected for their high-quality standards, all GMO-Free and suitable for human consumption.

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