Himalaya Anxocare Anti Anxiety, 60 Tablets Pack

Anxocare from Himalaya is an anxiolytic and behaviour modifier. It is used to control anxiety due to fear and emotional stress in dogs and cats which can be caused by unfamiliar people, environment, noise and travel. As a behavior modifier, it helps with behavioral problems like aggression, restlessness and hyperexcitability. It is also indicated for dogs in training to promote better receptivity.


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Himalaya Anxocare Anti Anxiety, 60 Tablets Pack


Anxocare from Himalaya is an anxiolytic and behaviour modifier. It is used to control anxiety due to fear and emotional stress in dogs and cats which can be caused by unfamiliar people, environment, noise and travel. As a behavior modifier, it helps with behavioral problems like aggression, restlessness and hyperexcitability. It is also indicated for dogs in training to promote better receptivity.

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Himalaya Anxocare Anti Anxiety, 60 Tablets Pack

Anxocare from Himalaya is an anxiolytic and behaviour modifier. It is used to control anxiety due to fear and emotional stress in dogs and cats which can be caused by unfamiliar people, environment, noise and travel. As a behavior modifier, it helps with behavioral problems like aggression, restlessness and hyperexcitability. It is also indicated for dogs in training to promote better receptivity.


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Dear patrons, although we have done our best to bring the most accurate information to you about all of our medicinal and supplemental products, we do not take responsibility for any misinformation or misuse of the products on behalf of the customer. We urge you to first contact your veterinarian for proper advice before administration of any product to your pet. After all, your pet’s health takes precedence in our business regime.

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